Forgery PC 470

Facing a forgery charge in California? You’re not alone, and it’s crucial to understand what you’re up against.

Under California Penal Code 470, forgery is a serious crime. It can mean altering a document, faking a signature, or even duplicating someone’s seal. It’s not just about money and checks. This law covers many other types of documents as well.

Getting charged with forgery can turn your life upside down. It’s a potential felony. You could end up with a criminal record, and that comes with long-term consequences. You might struggle to find a job, get housing, or even qualify for loans. Plus, there’s the threat of time behind bars and steep fines.

Don’t panic. Elite Criminal Defense is here to guide you through the complicated legal maze that is California’s forgery law. We’ll cover everything from what constitutes forgery to potential penalties and defense strategies.

Knowledge is power, and the more you know, the better you can fight your charges. Let’s dive in

California ‘Forgery’ Laws – Penal Code 470 PC

Forgery in California is covered under Penal Code 470. This law defines forgery in various ways. You could be charged for altering or faking any of the following types of documents, among others:

Now, here’s a key point: forgery is a “wobbler” offense in California. That means the prosecutor can charge it as either a misdemeanor or a felony. How they choose usually depends on your criminal history and the details of the case.

Understanding what you’re up against is the first step in building a strong defense. The potential penalties are serious, but there are also defenses that could help you fight the charges.

Hand with tweezers holding id photo over passport as if forging the travel documents

California Penal Code 470 states that forgery is falsifying another person’s signature or handwriting for financial gain. Forgery charges may also include cases of falsifying a fictional person for, for example, getting money orders, cashier’s checks, traveler’s checks, or other financial gain.

For a prosecutor to convict you of forgery under Penal Code 470, they have to prove a few key things:

  • The Act. You actually did one of the acts listed as forgery. This could be faking a signature, altering a document, and so on.
  • Intent to Defraud. You had the purpose of tricking someone or gaining an unfair benefit. If you didn’t intend to deceive, it likely doesn’t fit the definition of forgery.
  • A Victim Was Involved. There must be another person or entity that you intended to defraud. If no person or entity was targeted, it likely doesn’t fit the definition of forgery.
  • The Document Was Falsified. The document you altered, created, or signed has to be one that, if it had been genuine, would hold legal significance.

Knowing these points gives you a clear idea of what the prosecution is aiming to prove. This can be crucial when you’re talking to your attorney about building a defense strategy.

What Are the Penalties for Forgery PC 470?

California, forgery under Penal Code 470 is a “wobbler” offense. This means it can be charged as either a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on your case details and criminal history.

If convicted of misdemeanor forgery, you could face:

  • Up to one year in county jail
  • A fine of up to $1,000

For a felony forgery conviction, the penalties can include:

  • 16 months, two years, or three years in state prison
  • A fine of up to $10,000

Remember, the penalties can be more severe if you have prior convictions or if the forgery involves large amounts of money. Consult with your attorney to understand the specifics of your case.

wooden judge on book with handcuffs

What Is the Statute of Limitations for Forgery in California?

In California, the statute of limitations for forgery depends on the severity of the charge. For felony forgery, the prosecutor has four years from the date of the alleged offense to file charges against you. For misdemeanor forgery, the time frame is shorter — generally just one year.

It’s important to consult an attorney to understand how these time limits apply to your specific case. If the statute of limitations has expired, your attorney may be able to argue to have the charges against you dismissed.

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